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Niavaran Palace: The Palace of Imperial Family
Niavaran Palace: The Palace of Imperial Family
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Half Day Afternoon


Included in the half day Tehran tour is an excursion to Niavaran Palace, Ahmad Shahi Pavilion, Jahan Nama Museum and Niavaran Gardens.

*Meet the guide at the lobby of your hotel every morning.

Special Note: Jewellery Museum is closed on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It will be replaced with Reza Abbasi Museum on Thursday and Friday, Malek Museum on Wednesday. Tehran Grand Bazaar is closed on Fridays. Some shops will be open around the Bazaar area.




Niavaran Palace is a complex of several palaces with a volume of 9000 square meters area. The Main Niavaran Palace was inaugurated in 1968 as the primary residence of the last Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Imperial family until the Iranian Revolution and The Ahmad Shahi Pavilion that was constructed as private resting retreat for the last member of Qajar Dynasty Ahmad Shah and later used and utilized as the residence and office of Reza Pahlavi are two of the most important palaces in Niavaran Complex. The last visit will be to the Art Collections of Jahan Nama Museum. Some of the masterpieces in the permanent exhibition are works by contemporary Iranian artists including Sohrab Sepehri, Naser Owesi, Faramarz Pilaram, Parviz Kalantari, Jazeh Tabatabai, and non-Iranian artists: George Brack, Paul Gogen, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso, Camille Pissaro, Pierre August Renoir, Diego Giacometti, Fernard Leger and Marc Chagall.

2018-10-03 | by
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