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When to go
When to go

When deciding when to go to Iran you must first work out where you’d like to go.

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Temperatures can vary wildly: when it’s -5°C in Tabriz it might be 35°C in Bandar Abbas, but for most people spring and autumn are the most pleasant times to visit.At other times, the seasons have advantages and disadvantages depending on where you are. For example, the most agreeable time to visit the Persian Gulf coast is during winter, when the humidity is low and temperatures mainly in the 20s. At this time, however, the more elevated northwest and northeast can be freezing, with mountain roads impassable due to snow. Except on the Persian Gulf coast, winter nights can be bitterly cold, but we think the days (often clear and about 15°C in much of the country) are more pleasant than the summer heat. And when we say ‘heat’, we mean it. Between May and October temperatures often rise into the 40s, and in the deserts, southern provinces and along the gulf coast, very little is done between noon and 4pm or 5pm.

2014-12-09 | by
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