Yazd Bus Terminals include every hour service to Tabriz, which operates at 4:00 PM. This bus service allows you to choose an ordinary(32-person) or VIP bus to reach this city. The VIP bus fare is 1,330,000 IRR, and the other bus fares is 1,040,000 IRR.
How far is Tabriz from Yazd?
Yazd to Tabriz distance is about 1166 kilometers, which takes roughly 12 hours and 35 minutes.
How many stops will occur on the road? How much time does it take? What is about having a meal on the road?
The bus ordinary has one-stop for having a meal(lunch or dinner) due to the departure time, which takes about 15 or 20 minutes. Also, some 15-minute stops have considered for taking a rest.
Which bus companies do offer service on the path, and which one includes the best options?
Parsian number 14 is the company that offers services on this path.
Do the buses run at night on this path?
The buses on Yazd to Tabriz route don't run at night.
Which terminals operate bus services to the Tabriz Terminal?
You can reach Tabriz by run a bus at Yazd Passenger Terminal.
What bus classes provide bus services on this route?
The VIP buses with a capacity of 25 persons Scania provide services on the Yazd to Tabriz route.
How much does each of the classes approximately cost?
The average fare of VIP buses is about 1,330,000 IRR, and ordinary buses approximately cost 1,040,000 IRR.
How much busload are the passengers allowed to have?
Every passenger can have a busload of up to 15 kg. You must pay a surcharge If your bus load is over the maximum amount.