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  5. Carrying money  as Iran is not connected to global banking system
  6. Transportation
  7. Receiving tourist visa
2015-02-15 | by
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Joe pryce

I interested in arranging a trip to Iran, and have been forwarded your details by a friend of my girlfriend's, who lives in Iran.

I understand that as a British citizen it is only possible for me to get a visa approved if I am registered for an official tour. I would be planning to travel with my girlfriend, who is Iranian but also has British Citizenship.

I am interested to know:
- what Tour options you have and how much they would cost
- whether it would be possible to share a hotel room with my girlfriend? I understand that this is not always allowed but am told it may be acceptable in some places.
- as my girlfriend has a lot of family in Iran, will it be possible for me to visit or stay with them at any stage? Or will I need to be accompanied by a tour guide / staying in hotel accommodation at all times?

I would be extremely grateful for any advice you can offer regarding these queries.

Best wishes, and greetings from the Uk, .

Joe Pryce

واحد تولید محتوا دالاهو replied 2019/01/21
Dear friend, If you know Farsi and would like to travel with Iranians, please visit our website at Dalahoo.com and book a tour. If you prefer a private, personalized tour with tour guides speaking in English (or any other languages), please contact 02166468471 or send your contact details for us to contact you. yours sincerely
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